My Project requires both Serial and Parallel test execution on a project. I’d like to know how to handle this situation. A collection is the unit of tests. The tests that are in the same collection, it runs serially. By default, it is per class. If you want to run tests parallel, you need to split the class. In this case, ParallelTest01 and ParallelTest02 run parallelly. However, Test1() and Test2() run serially. You can use Collection annotation to run Serially for more than two classes. However, in some use cases, we want to run parallel and serial in the same project. Even if you use Collection, it runs parallelly as the different classes that mean Collections. I want to run almost all tests in parallel but for some test, it should run serially exclusively. This option enables us that Parallel-capable test collections will be run first (in parallel), followed by parallel-disabled test collections (run sequentially). Serial Test runs serially after finishing any other tests.