This project aims to implement an infrastructure for up-and-running distributed systems with the latest technology and architecture like Vertical Slice Architecture, Event Sourcing, CQRS, DDD, gRPC, MongoDB, RabbitMq, Masstransit in .NET. It focuses mainly on non-business related aspects. The project includes using vertical slice architecture for architecture level, Domain Driven Design (DDD) for implementing all business processes in microservices, Rabbitmq on top of Masstransit for Event Driven Architecture between microservices, gRPC for internal communication between microservices, CQRS implementation with MediatR library, Postgres for write-side of some microservices, MongoDB for read-side of some microservices, Event Store for write-side of Booking-Microservice to store all historical state of aggregate, Inbox Pattern for ensuring message idempotency for receiver and Exactly once Delivery, Outbox Pattern for ensuring no message is lost and there is at Least One Delivery, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, End-to-End Testing for testing level, Fluent Validation and a Validation Pipeline Behaviour on top of MediatR, Minimal API for all endpoints, Health Check for reporting the health of app infrastructure components, Docker-Compose and Kubernetes for our deployment mechanism, OpenTelemetry for distributed tracing, IdentityServer for authentication and authorization base on OpenID-Connect and OAuth2, and Yarp as a microservices gateway. The project is a work in progress, and new features will be added over time. The high-level plan includes API Gateway, Identity Service, Flight Service, Passenger Service, Booking Service, and Building Blocks.