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Python for Data Analysis, 3E

Python for Data Analysis, 3E by Wes McKinney is available as an open access HTML version on his website. The book has been updated for pandas1.4.0 and Python 3.10, and changes between the 2nd and 3rd editions are focused on bringing the content up-to-date with changes in pandas since 2017. The book covers various topics such as Preliminaries, Python Language Basics, Built-In Data Structures, Functions, and Files, NumPy Basics: Arrays and Vectorized Computation, Getting Started with pandas, Data Loading, Storage, and File Formats, Data Cleaning and Preparation, Data Wrangling: Join, Combine, and Reshape, Plotting and Visualization, Data Aggregation and Group Operations, Time Series, Introduction to Modeling Libraries in Python, Data Analysis Examples, Advanced NumPy, and More on the IPython System. The code examples are MIT-licensed and can be found on GitHub or Gitee along with the supporting datasets. If you find the online edition of the book useful, please consider ordering a paper copy or a DRM-free eBook in PDF and EPUB formats to support the author. The web version of the book was created with the Quarto publishing system. Copyright 2022, Wes McKinney. All Rights Reserved.