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Arch - High-performance C# based Archetype & Chunks (ECS) for game development and data-oriented programming

# Arch Arch is a high-performance C# based Archetype & Chunks [Entity Component System]( (ECS) for game development and data-oriented programming. It provides the best cache efficiency, iteration, and allocation speed, placing it in the same league as C++/Rust ECS Libraries. Arch is on average quite faster than other ECS implemented in C#. Its small and only provides the essentials for you. Arch promotes a clean, minimal, and self-explanatory API that is simple by design. Download the package and get started today. Arch supports .NetStandard 2.1, .Net Core 6 and 7, and, therefore, you may use it with Unity or Godot! Arch is bare minimum, easy to use, and efficient. To create some game entities and make them move based on their velocity, all you need to do is define the entities and the logic. For more detailed API and features, check out the [wiki](!