Resilient Functions is a .NET framework that manages function execution despite failures, restarts, deployments, and versioning. The framework automatically retries function invocations across process restarts and physical nodes to ensure they complete. Furthermore, it supports failing or postponing invocations for manual handling and natively supports versioning. This allows for implementing the saga pattern efficiently. The framework integrates with ASP.NET Core, synchronizes invocation across multiple process instances, supports cloud independence and multiple databases, and easy versioning of functions. Additionally, custom middleware can be added to address cross-cutting concerns. Resilient Functions is a self-contained solution and does not require a message-broker to operate. Getting started with Resilient Functions is a simple three-step process; install the relevant NuGet package, add necessary services to `Program.cs`, and register a function with the framework. For more information and source code, check out the links in the Sections header.