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Yaci DevKit - A Set of Dev Tools for Development on Cardano

Yaci DevKit is a set of dev tools that enables developers to create/manage a local cluster and other utilities for development on Cardano. It includes Yaci CLI - a CLI to create/manage a local cluster and other utilities, Yaci Store - a lightweight indexer with H2 DB, and Yaci Viewer - a minimal blockchain data viewer for developers. Yaci DevKit provides API endpoints that can be used in your off-chain code to post transactions to your local cluster. The DevKit can be started using Docker Compose. Some key commands specific to Yaci CLI include creating a default cluster, resetting cluster data, topping up a new address, and checking unspent transaction outputs at an address. For more details, please visit Component versions include Yaci CLI v0.0.12, Yaci Store v0.0.5, and Yaci Viewer v0.0.3. The DevKit can be accessed through various URLs including Yaci Viewer, Yaci Store Swagger UI, Yaci Local Cluster Swagger UI, Yaci Store API URL, and Yaci Local Cluster API URL. To interact with these endpoints in a Java app, use the Cardano Client Libs Blockfrost backend as it exposes required BF compatible minimum APIs for tx building and submission.