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Zero - Python framework for building fast and high performance microservices or distributed servers

Zero is a simple Python framework (RPC like) to build fast and high performance microservices or distributed servers. Zero provides faster communication between the microservices using zeromq under the hood. It uses messages for communication and traditional client-server or request-reply pattern is supported. The base server (ZeroServer) utilizes all cpu cores. The framework uses code generation allowing even those with no experience to add their functions and spin up a server in minutes. Zero has ZeroMQ, an awesome messaging library that enables the power of Zero. To get started with Zero, you need to have Python 3.8+ installed and pip install zeroapi. For Windows, tornado needs to be installed separately while for linux and mac-os, it is not needed as they have their own event loops. With Zero, server RPC methods are type hinted which is a must. Type hint is used in Zero server. Zero allows both async and sync clients. Zero also has a code generation tool to generate Python client code. You can generate client code for even remote servers using the --host and --port options without needing access to the code.