Boost your C# applications performance with these 50 advanced optimization tips. Learn to improve memory usage, async programming, parallelism, caching, thread safety, LINQ queries, data structures, SIMD processing, ValueTask usage, networking, exception handling, and more. Written by Juan Alberto España Garcia, CEO at ByteHide and .NET content creator, this Medium article is a must-read for experienced C# developers looking to enhance their skills. In addition to this article, Juan has also authored other ByteHide articles on topics such as C# code snippets, async programming, .NET improvements, and transaction management. Explore these articles to gain further insights into C# development. Lastly, if youre looking for more software development resources, be sure to check out Mediums collection of Stories to Help You Grow as a Software Developer, which includes a wide range of articles to help you level-up at work. Happy coding!