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Mac Setup for Web Development [2023]

I bought the MacBook Pro from 2022 after having used the MacBook Pro 2015 for the last years. The last months have been super exciting and I am up running working efficiently on my personal and professional web development projects as a freelance web developer. Here I want to share with you my Mac setup for web development which I update all the time and which got inspired by Swyxs Mac Setup. MacBook Pro Specification 14-inch Apple M1 Pro mit 10‑Core CPU, 16‑Core GPU und 16‑Core Neural Engine 32 GB RAM 512 GB SSD QWERTY = English (International) macOS Ventura (formerly Monterey) System Preferences Appearance Show Scroll Bars -> Always Dock Remove most applications from Dock Automatic Hide Smaller Dock Show recent applications in Dock off Show indicators for open applications on Battery -> Show Percentage Display Nightshift Security Touch ID Notifications Off, except for Calendar Siri Disable Trackpad Tap to Click Point & Click -> Look up & data detectors off More Gestures -> Notification Centre off Keyboard Text disable Capitalise word automatically disable Add full stop with double-space disable Use smart quotes and dashes use for double quotes use for single quotes Keyboard -> Mission Control -> disable all Spotlight Disable Spotlight except for Applications and System Preferences Mission Control Hot Corners: disable all Finder Sidebar: activate all Favorites move Library to Favorites Hide all Tags Show all Filename Extensions Remove Items from Bin after 30 Days View -> Show Preview (e.g. image files) Sharing Change computer name Also terminal: sudo scutil --set ComputerName newname sudo scutil --set LocalHostName newname sudo scutil --set HostName newname Make sure all file sharing is disabled Security and Privacy Turn on FileVault Add Browser to Screen Recording Storage Remove Garage Band & Sound Library Remove iMovie Trackpad Speed: 9/10 Accessibility Scroll Speed: 6/8 System Preferences (Terminal) Override more system preferences from the terminal ...# take screenshots as jpg (usually smaller size) and not png defaults write type jpg # do not open previous previewed files (e.g. PDFs) when opening a new one defaults write ApplePersistenceIgnoreState YES # show Library folder chflags nohidden ~/Library # show hidden files defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES # show path bar defaults write ShowPathbar -bool true # show status bar defaults write ShowStatusBar -bool true killall Finder; Files If files from previous machine are needed, transfer via external drive instead of cloud Homebrew Install Homebrew as package manager for macOS: # paste in terminal and follow the instructions /bin/bash -c curl -fsSL Update everything in Homebrew to recent version: brew update Install GUI applications (read more about these in GUI Applications): brew install --cask bitwarden google-chrome firefox brave-browser tor iterm2 visual-studio-code sublime-text docker rectangle slack discord signal vlc calibre figma imageoptim maccy protonvpn zoom skype Install terminal applications (read more about these in Terminal Applications): brew install wget exa git nvm pnpm graphicsmagick commitzen cmatrix