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Quake *.map* file support for Godot 4.x

![]( Quake *.map* file support for Godot 4.x. For the original Godot 3.x plugin, see [Qodot-Plugin]( Before you enable Qodot 1. Use Godot Engine .NET / mono build. You can still use GDScript with .NET build. ![godot_dl]( 2. Download 7.0 .NET SDK and run the 7.0 SDK installer. ![dotnet_dl]( 3. In your Godot Project, go to Project > Tools > C# > Create C# Solution. ![csharpsol]( 4. Build your C# scripts by pressing Alt + B, or click the square *Build* button in the top-right corner. ![image]( 5. Go to Project > Project Settings > Plugins, then enable Qodot. If plugin errors appear when you enable the plugin, restart the engine first. If any plugin errors persist after a restart, please [make an issue]( To bring back the Full Build toolbar, press Alt + B and re-select your QodotMap node. About this version Latest Tested Engine Version: 4.1.1.stable.mono This is a port of Qodot to Godot 4.x. It requires the .NET build of Godot to import maps correctly. Games can still be exported with the standard editor/export templates. Unlike [Qodot-plugin](, this [Qodot]( repository is currently the official version of the plugin and where active development continues. You can also find the plugin on Godots Asset Library. Documentation We have official [Qodot Documentation]( The docs are undergoing maintenance, so feel free to ask questions in [Issues]( or the [Official Discord]( Overview Qodot extends the Godot editor to import Quake *.map* files, and provides a data-driven framework for converting the entities and brushes contained therein into a custom node hierarchy. ![]( Features - Natively import `.map` files into Godot and convert them into a usable scene tree - Supports - Brush geometry - Textures and customized UVs - Convex and concave collision volumes - Gameplay entities - FGD (Forge Game Data) export for custom game definitions - Configurable scene population - Leverages the map formats classname and key/value property systems - Spawn and configure custom Godot scenes and scripts based on entities defined in the map editor - Define the visual and collision properties of brush entities on a per-classname basis - TrenchBroom Integration - Simple, intuitive map editor with a strong feature set - TrenchBroom game configurations can be exported for tighter workflow integration - Nested TrenchBroom groups can be used to build a tree hierarchy from the formats standard flat structure Showcase [![](](