This is a godot implementation of Craig Reynolds Boids. A more detailed breakdown of Boids with pseudocode can be found here. Click F5 to run the default screen. Then click anywhere on the screen to issue a waypoint for the boids. The boids will continue to chase mouse clicks. Controls: left click - place target flag, right click - scatter the boids to random locations on the screen. Video demonstration here. Adjusting the simulation: You can control the paremeters of the simulation in the editor without touching code (though feel free to mess with the code as well! ;) ) The Chicken scene script variables: View distance - distance to view flock for each Boid, Avoid distance - the distance at which a void will try to avoid another boid, Max Speed - the maximum speed of the boid, Force - There is a seperate force for each vector: cohesion, separation, alignment and mouse follow. Try playing with them :) The RandomChickens scene script variables: Boids - the number of boids that will spawn. Credits: This project uses the FarmPuzzleAnimals pack created by CoMiGo.