Build your own AI research assistant using the OpenAI Assistants API to access the latest AI research papers. The challenge is to keep up with rapid AI advancements and avoid information overload and unreliable sources. is a curated research-sharing platform with over two million scholarly articles, including recent and groundbreaking research in various fields, including AI. To build your assistant, you need to install the required libraries, use arXiv Scraper code to scrape AI-related articles, and create the GPT Research Assistant. The assistant comes with functions for uploading files, setting up the assistant, sending messages, and running the assistant. You also have additional functions for saving sessions, displaying past sessions, and collecting message history. The usage involves running the main_loop() function, choosing to create a new agent or load an existing session, and interacting with the assistant on your chosen AI topics. To exit and save, type exit, which saves your chat history to a text file. Happy Research!