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Architecture as a code

Visualize, collaborate, and evolve the software architecture with always actual and live diagrams from your code. LikeC4 is a modeling language for describing software architecture and tools to generate diagrams from the model. LikeC4 is inspired by C4 Model and Structurizr DSL, but provides some flexibility. You customize or define your own notation, element types, and any number of nested levels in architecture model. Perfectly tailored to your needs. LikeC4 source: Run CLI to preview. And result: Template repository - likec4/template. Deployed - StackBlitz does not support extensions, so no validation, syntax highlighting and etc. You can try with and suggested extension. Check the Tutorial - a bit better overview of LikeC4. This repositorys contents is divided across four primary sections: /docs contains the content for our docs site at, /examples our local development / examples project, /integration integration tests (not yet implemented), /packages contains the source for packages. Packages: core: model and type definitions, create-likec4: scaffolding tool, diagrams: react components rendering diagrams, generators: LikeC4 -> Other formats, graph: Operations over architecture model, like compute views, language-server: parser and language server, layouts: layout algorithms for views, likec4: CLI, published to npm as likec4, tsconfig: typescript configuration, vscode: vscode extension, vscode-preview: preview panel in vscode extension. Local development tasks: yarn typecheck: TypeScript compilation, yarn build: Build packages, yarn test: Test packages, yarn vitest:ui: Opens Vitest UI. For VSCode: Task Run Extension to start a new VSCode instance with the extension loaded. This project is released under the MIT License.