# Dev Container for TypeScript and Express.js This is the complete source code for the article [A Dev Container Template for TypeScript and Express.js](https://manfredmlange.medium.com/a-dev-container-template-for-typescript-and-express-js-31c972862785). # Prerequisites to Run the Dev Container This dev container is designed and intended to run on Linux, MacOS and Windows. The following software must be installed on your machine: 1. Docker Desktop 2. VS Code with extension Remote Development installed 3. git client 4. Windows only: WSL2 installed and running, git configured to use Windows Credentials Manager # Changes Since the Article - Added tsoa - Added inversify including sample Types and binding examples - Added example for custom jest matcher, for Decimal in this case - Switched from npm to pnpm for performance and size reasons - Added example Environment class and IEnvironment interface - Example controller - Example for dependency injection using inversify - File `beforeAllTests.ts` to demonstrate where to put code that runs before any test is run - `jest.config.ts` to demonstrate setting up jest including custom patterns for micro and integration tests - script `upgrade-all` that upgrades all dependencies to the latest stable version - Added Copilot, Copilot Chat and Copilot Labs as extensions to dev container - upgraded node.js to latest # Planned Changes In no particular order: - Add open API documentation - Add interaction with NATS - Add OpenID client - Add Open Policy Agent (OPA) with examples and tests - Add nginx demon to demonstrate how to redirect ports to other containers