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Welcome to PlatformPlatform

# 👋 Welcome to PlatformPlatform Drawing on our expertise building true enterprise-grade products with millions of daily users in highly regulated sectors like healthcare, finance, government, etc., we aim to help you create secure production-ready products. Still pre-alpha state. ![PlatformPlatform Resource Groups]($root/GitHubTopBanner.png) [![PlatformPlatform](]( [![GitHub issues with enhancement label](](✅+Done%22+label%3Aenhancement) [![GitHub issues with roadmap label](]( [![GitHub issues with bug label](]( [![Coverage](]( [![Quality Gate Status](]( [![Security Rating](]( [![Reliability Rating](]( [![Maintainability Rating](]( [![Code Smells](]( [![Vulnerabilities](]( [![Bugs](]( [![Technical Debt](](