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Gleam version 1 has finally been released!

Today, Gleam v1.0.0 has been released, marking a significant milestone for the language and its community. Gleam is a programming language designed to make writing and maintaining software systems as predictable, stress-free, and enjoyable as possible. With a small surface area and a lack of magic, Gleam is easy to learn and understand. It features robust static analysis and a type system inspired by Elm, OCaml, and Rust. Gleam runs on the Erlang virtual machine and can also run on JavaScript runtimes. Version 1 includes all public APIs, such as the language design, compiler, build tool, package manager, code formatter, language server, and more. Gleam v1 signifies stability and readiness for production use, following semantic versioning to prioritize backwards compatibility and minimize breaking changes. The core team will release v1 updates for the standard library and other packages soon, ensuring a smooth transition for all Gleam users.