This card adds a sidebar to your interface which you can configure globally so every page has the sidebar. It can replace your top navigation but can also give extra functionality. Installation instructions: HACS installation: Go to the hacs store and use the repo url `` and add this as a custom repository under settings. Add the following to your ui-lovelace.yaml: resources: url: /hacsfiles/sidebar-card/sidebar-card.js type: module. Manual installation: Copy the .js file from the dist directory to your www directory and add the following to your ui-lovelace.yaml file: resources: url: /local/sidebar-card.js type: module. Configuration: The YAML configuration happens at the root of your Lovelace config under sidebar: at the same level as resources: and views:. Main Options: Under sidebar you can configure various options like title, clock, digital clock, date, width, hide top menu, hide Hass sidebar, breakpoints, sidebar menu, update menu, template, etc. Each option has supported values and descriptions to help you customize the sidebar to your liking.