OpenAI recently unveiled a five-tier system to gauge its advancement toward developing artificial general intelligence (AGI), with a focus on human-level problem solving. The company aims to provide a clear framework for understanding AI advancement, although the system describes hypothetical technology that does not yet exist. OpenAIs CEO has previously stated his belief that AGI could be achieved within this decade, and the companys technology, such as GPT-4o, is currently at Level 1 (Chatbots). The company is on the verge of reaching Level 2 (Reasoners), which would represent basic problem-solving capabilities on par with a human holding a doctorate degree. The proposed levels of artificial intelligence range from Chatbots to Organizations, with the ultimate goal being an AI that can do the work of an entire organization. OpenAIs approach to communicating AI milestones achieved internally reflects its commitment to pursuing AGI and preparing for the potential disruption it may bring to society.