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K3s - Lightweight Kubernetes

Lightweight Kubernetes. Production ready, easy to install, half the memory, all in a binary less than 100 MB. Great for Edge, IoT, CI, Development, ARM, Embedding k8s, Situations where a PhD in k8s clusterology is infeasible. K3s is a fully conformant production-ready Kubernetes distribution packaged as a single binary, with support for sqlite3 as the default storage backend, simple launcher, secure by default, minimal OS dependencies. Bundles Containerd, runc, Flannel, CoreDNS, Metrics Server, Traefik, Klipper-lb, Kube-router, Helm-controller, Kine, Local-path-provisioner, Host utilities. Simplifies operations by managing TLS certificates, worker-server connection, auto-deploying resources, etcd cluster. Current status includes FOSSA Status, Nightly CI, Build Status, Integration Test Coverage, Unit Test Coverage. The name originates from wanting a Kubernetes installation half the size, in a k8s stylized manner.