Domain-Driven Refactoring: Intro
A common trap in Domain-Driven Design is blindly applying patterns and complex layering with the hope of achieving clean code. However, no amount of prescriptive guidance results in automatically clea...
Message Routing in Dotnet 6
In this post, Joshua Steward builds on his previous work on background message processing in Dotnet 6 and introduces a new concept called MessageRouter. The post discusses how to route a single Intern...
Proto.Actor - Ultra-fast, distributed, cross-platform actors.
Proto.Actor is a minimalistic API for ultra-fast, distributed, cross-platform actors. It is built on existing technologies and uses Protobuf for serialization. The API is small and easy to use, avoidi...
Event-Driven Architecture with Apache Kafka for .NET Developers Part 1 - Event Producer
Learn how to implement an event-driven architecture using Apache Kafka as the event router. This article covers setting up the development environment and publishing messages to Kafka. Kafka is a hori...
Event-Driven Architecture with Apache Kafka for .NET Developers Part 2 - Event Consumer
In this article, the author discusses the implementation of an event consumer using Kafka for .NET developers with a specific focus on the Manager service. The article also covers the necessary NuGet ...
Graceterm - Tool for Zero Downtime Updates in Kubernetes
Graceterm is a middleware tool for AspNet Core that ensures graceful shutdown of the application. It was designed to achieve zero downtime while performing Kubernetes rolling updates. After receiving ...
Using Service Invocation from Dapr .NET SDK
In this post, Laurent Kempé explains how to invoke services using the Dapr .NET SDK. He compares two methods of invoking services - one using a simple .NET HttpClient and another using the Dapr .NET S...
C#s Functional Journey: How Object-Oriented Languages Have Adopted Functional Features
Mads Torgersen, lead designer of the C# language, discusses how the language has evolved over the past two decades, incorporating functional features inspired by the functional programming world. Torg...
C#s Functional Journey
Join world-class leaders pushing the boundaries of software at QCon San Francisco (Oct 2-6)! Attend in-person or online to find practical inspiration from the most innovative software pioneers. Discov...
Generating Tag cloud on Jekyll blog without plugin - Super Dev Resources
Jekyll doesn’t come with an out of box solution for generating Tag clouds, however with the support of Liquid markups and some basic CSS styling, we can generate Tag clouds ourselves without the need ...
Architecture Ownership Patterns For Team Topologies. Part 1: A Business Architecture Model
This article discusses the importance of determining which parts of a product, user experience, and technology each team owns while organizing technology teams to build digital products and services. ...
Architecture Ownership Patterns for Team Topologies. Part 2: Single Team Patterns
This article discusses the concept of slicing up a system and dividing responsibilities among teams in an organization. It proposes different patterns for single team ownership, such as product varian...
Architecture Ownership Patterns for Team Topologies. Part 3: Multi-Team Patterns
This article discusses the need for higher-order abstractions in businesses as they grow, and how grouping small numbers of teams into patterns can improve understanding, communication, and management...
Miniservices as a Realistic Alternative to Microservices
This article discusses the concept of miniservices as a more manageable alternative to microservices, especially in the context of cloud native ecosystems, containers, edge computing, and serverless a...
Reliable Consumer of Azure Event Hubs | Mikhail Shilkov
Azure Event Hubs is a log-based messaging system-as-a-service in Azure cloud. It’s designed to be able to handle huge amount of data, and naturally supports multiple consumers. While Event Hubs are fo...
Architecture Pattern: Orchestration Via Workflow - Building Layered Technology and Business Stacks
This article by Kislay Verma, published in The Startup, discusses the problem of modeling business processes that involve multiple steps across multiple systems. Verma proposes using an architecture p...
Building a reporting service in Microservice architecture
Learn how to generate reports from a distributed database in a microservices architecture using REST APIs instead of directly connecting to a database. This article explores the challenges of implemen...
Event-based Microservices: Error Handling
When working with a distributed microservice-based system, errors are bound to happen. These errors range from connectivity issues, serialization and deserialization problems, downstream system outage...
5 Minute DevOps: Effective Testing
Developer-driven software testing is crucial to the success of a business; studies show high-performing organizations rely on tests written by developers. Despite this, some companies outsource testin...
The 6 Things You Need to Know About Event-Driven Architectures
This article explores how event-driven architectures can deal with complexity, provide agility, and offer massive scaling potential. It covers the difference between events, commands, and queries, the...