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Azure Container Apps State Store With Dapr State Management API - Part 5

This tutorial is part 5 of Building Microservice Applications with Azure Container Apps and Dapr. In this post, we will use Dapr State Management API to switch from in-memory store to a key/value pers...


Azure Container Apps with Dapr Bindings Building Block - Part 7

This post is the seventh part of Building Microservice Applications with Azure Container Apps and Dapr. It covers how to extend the backend background processor service using Dapr Input and Output Bin...


Communication Between Microservices in Azure Container Apps - Part 3

In Part 3 of Building Microservice Applications with Azure Container Apps and Dapr, we cover communication between microservices in Azure Container Apps. We add a new microservice named “ACA WebApp-Fr...


Dapr Integration with Azure Container Apps - Part 4

This article talks about integrating Dapr into Azure Container Apps for simplified microservices scenarios such as service discovery, service-to-service invocation, calling services asynchronously via...


Tutorial for building Microservice Applications with Azure Container Apps and Dapr - Part 1

Learn how to build microservices applications with Azure Container Apps and Dapr in this detailed tutorial. Discover the distinctive features of Azure Container Apps, such as built-in compatibility wi...


Deploy Microservice Application to Azure Container Apps - Part 2

In this post, we will learn how to deploy a backend API microservice to Azure Container Apps using Azure CLI and Azure Portal. We will start by creating a solution skeleton and adding our first micros...


Microservices: Invoking Service-to-Service with Dapr, Docker-compose, and .NET

This Medium article by HungryWolf explains microservices as an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of services. He shows how Dapr codifies the best practices for buildin...


Build powerful distributed applications with Dapr and .NET - Rodrigo Díaz Concha - NDC Porto 2022

Build powerful distributed applications with Dapr and .NET - Rodrigo Díaz Concha - NDC Porto 2022

The session introduces Dapper, a technology for building distributed applications. The speaker emphasizes that building distributed applications is challenging due to the complex architecture and the ...


Using Service Invocation from Dapr .NET SDK

In this post, Laurent Kempé explains how to invoke services using the Dapr .NET SDK. He compares two methods of invoking services - one using a simple .NET HttpClient and another using the Dapr .NET S...