Redux Toolkit - The official battery-included toolset for efficient Redux development
Redux Toolkit is the official, opinionated, and batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux development. It includes utilities to simplify common use cases like store setup, creating reducers, immu...
Wouter: A Tiny Router for Modern React and Preact Apps
Wouter is a lightweight router that works with both React and Preact via hooks API. With only 1.36KB gzipped, its a fraction of the size of React Router. Wouter provides familiar components and mirror...
# remesh
Remesh is a CQRS-based DDD framework for TypeScript/JavaScript applications. It offers various features such as DDD principles, CQRS architecture, event-driven architecture, incremental updates, react...
How I write React after 8 years
In this article, Nessim Btesh shares his contrarian views on React after 8 years of experience. He emphasizes on getting rid of libraries, avoiding unnecessary abstractions, prioritizing maintainabili...
Optimizing React Apps: Achieving Faster UI Rendering with Memoization
React has optimization at its core, but large applications can still run into performance issues. Memoization is an optimization technique that caches the result of a function and returns the cached v...
OpenFin: A small example app using it
A little demo app to try out OpenFin. Overview, what does the final product look like? What tools will we use along the way? Where is the code? What exactly is OpenFin, and what problem is it trying t...
Redirecting to Ankits Blog
Redirecting to Please wait while we transfer you to Ankits blog. This blog contains various informative articles and tutorials on different topics such as programming...