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SST in 100 seconds

Duration : 00:02:24

SST is an open source tool designed to simplify the process of building full stack web applications with Amazon Web Services (AWS). It addresses the complexity of integrating various AWS web services by representing the back-end infrastructure as TypeScript code. Through this approach, developers can easily integrate features such as S3 storage buckets, Lambda functions, API Gateway, RDS and DynamoDB databases, and Cognito user authentication without directly accessing the AWS console. SST utilizes Amazons Cloud Development Kit and CloudFormation to group infrastructure constructs into Stacks that can be deployed together or run locally with live reloading. To get started, users need to set up the AWS CLI with credentials, and then initialize SST using the provided commands. This will create a development environment and scaffold the necessary directories for writing serverless functions and defining infrastructure code. Changes made to the code are immediately reflected in the cloud, and the local SST console allows for log viewing and stack management. With SST, developers can easily expand their application by adding features like event triggers, file uploads, databases, authentication, and scheduled tasks. The entire deployment and configuration process can be completed with a single command.