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Dear Game Developers, Stop Messing This Up!

Duration : 00:22:19

Developers commonly misuse a variable that is crucial for smooth motion in video games. This variable, known as Delta time, is used in popular game engines such as Unity and Unreal. However, many developers only know that they should multiply everything by Delta time, without really understanding its purpose. Delta time represents the time interval between frames in a game, and is essential for creating consistent motion. Without it, characters in a game will move at different speeds depending on the frame rate. To demonstrate this, two snails in a game are shown moving at different speeds due to their varying frame rates. By multiplying the movement speed by Delta time, the snails move at consistent speeds relative to the frame rate. Delta time is automatically recalculated each frame, allowing for fluid motion regardless of the frame rate. Despite common misconceptions, Delta time is not simply the time elapsed between frames, but rather the time interval between the current frame and the preceding one.