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Big Techday 23: React + Reflex: Harmonizing TypeScript and Haskell with FRP [EN] - Ryan Trinkle

Duration : 00:45:44

The speaker, Ryan Trinkel, is a founding partner at Obsidian Systems, a consultancy specializing in functional reactive programming and Haskell. He studied computer science and law at Harvard and has worked in multiple startups. Ryan is actively involved in the Haskell community and today he will be discussing harmonizing FRP in the Haskell and TypeScript worlds. He highlights the popularity of React and JavaScript in the user interface development ecosystem, but emphasizes that Haskell offers a strong type system and functional purity that make it a powerful tool for software development. Ryan believes that Haskell and JavaScript are complementary and that Haskell has influenced the adoption of ideas in languages like JavaScript. He also emphasizes the importance of building bridges between languages to make Haskell more accessible and successful in the industry.