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Godot 4 Audio Stream Player Tutorial

Duration : 00:03:53

In this tutorial, the author explains the difference between an audio stream player and an audio stream player 2D. The audio stream player 2D has a source of sound, which means it can play from a specific location. On the other hand, the audio stream player is non-dimensionally dependent and can play from anywhere at an equal volume. The tutorial then demonstrates how to use an audio stream player for background music by adding in the player and the desired song. The volume of the music can be adjusted, and the tutorial also covers scripting to control the players playback, including options for autoplay and looping. Additionally, the tutorial briefly touches on adding sound effects using an audio stream player 2D. The author provides an example of how to set up the player and play the sound effects. The tutorial concludes with a note to leave any questions or comments and to like and subscribe to the channel.