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AsyncAPI Initiative for Event-Driven APIs

The AsyncAPI Initiative offers open-source tools to easily build and maintain event-driven architectures. Powered by the AsyncAPI specification, the industry standard for defining asynchronous APIs, AsyncAPI enables users to define interfaces of asynchronous APIs in a protocol-agnostic manner. Additionally, AsyncAPI offers tools to generate documentation, code, React components, and more directly from AsyncAPI files. AsyncAPI is an open-source project that works under the Open Governance model and is part of the Linux Foundation. The community of passionate individuals who support AsyncAPI include world-leading brands who have already adopted AsyncAPI in their production. If you want to join a community of passionate people who are interested in event-driven architectures and AsyncAPI, you can join our Slack workspace and attend our public meetings. Stay updated with the latest news, blogs, articles, and announcements from AsyncAPI by visiting our Newsroom section or subscribing to our newsletter. Finally, AsyncAPI is supported by many great organizations and companies whose products we use for free; if your organization wants to support AsyncAPI, you can become our sponsor.