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Stop losing events: Microservice reliable message consumption

The world has changed. I see it in the water, I feel it in the earth, I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost. From that ill-fated day onward, tickets bearing grim tidings that data had vani...


Testing Event-Driven Architectures with OpenTelemetry - The New Stack

Where are you using WebAssembly? Wasm promises to let developers build once and run anywhere. Are you using it yet? At work, for production apps. At work, but not for production apps. I don’t use WebA...


Event Versioning: Pros and Cons of the Most Common Options

You have decided to adopt an event-driven architecture, modeled your events, and decided what style of event you will expose. One of the aspects that I recommended was for you to add to the events the...


Event-driven Kubernetes testing with Testkube and Tracetest

Configuring CI pipelines for running trace-based tests in Kubernetes is tedious work. Especially if you need to trigger tests based on Kubernetes events. Look no further! Once you’re done reading, you...


Event transformations, a tool to keep our processes loosely coupled

One of the biggest pains in traditional software design is accidental complexity. Event Sourcing can help with that, as it focuses on the business process and allows for backward compatibility. With E...


Event Driven Architecture, The Hard Parts

Event Driven Architecture (EDA) is a highly scalable and extensible architectural style where a service publishes an event, and other services can react to it by consuming it and executing their busin...


Datadog Creates Scalable Data Ingestion Architecture

Datadog created a dedicated data ingestion architecture with event-driven architecture (EDA) offering exactly-once semantics for their third-generation event store, Husky. The architecture of Husky se...


Producing and Consuming Kafka Messages in CloudEvents Format Using the C# SDK

In this article, Vasil Kosturski presents a simple Kafka producer and consumer using the C# CloudEvents SDK. The article covers a practical example of how to use CloudEvents with Kafka and provides in...


What is an event-driven architecture and why storing events is important?

In this post, we explore how to create a serverless analytics architecture based off an event-driven architecture using services like Kinesis Data Firehose, EventBridge, Athena, Glue, Lambda and S3. A...


How to Handle Multiple Commands in the Same Transaction

In this article, Oskar Dudycz explains how to handle two commands or change two aggregates in one transaction using ASP.NET and Marten, a NoSQL document database. He discusses the importance of consis...


Message Types in Domain-Driven Design

This article by Alex Alves discusses message types in Domain-Driven Design. A message can be any intention of transmitting and/or processing information, regardless of the way it is produced and consu...


Event-Driven Architectures vs. Event-Based Compute in Serverless Applications

In this post, we discuss Event-driven Architectures and Event-based Compute in Serverless Applications. We explore what an event-driven architecture is, its characteristics, and how it is distinguishe...


Idempotent operations: Ensuring the Same State on Both Sides of Network Communication

Maintaining the same state on both sides of network communication can be challenging due to lost messages, answers, and backend exceptions. Retrying client requests may cause adverse consequences or e...


EventCatalog: Documentation Tool for Event-Driven Architectures

EventCatalog is an open-source project designed to help you discover, explore and document your event-driven architectures. It uses Markdown and custom components to define events and services, and ha...


Event Storming: A Technique to Understand Complex Projects

Event Storming is a technique created by Alberto Brandolini that helps to understand more clearly the domain of the applications through the events generated by them. This technique takes place in the...


Guide to Projections and Read Models in Event-Driven Architecture

In this article, Oskar Dudycz explains the significance of projections in event sourcing and how they allow the interpretation of a set of facts. He also highlights how data exploration, together with...


Dont Fail Publishing Events! Event Driven Architecture Consistency

Dont Fail Publishing Events! Event Driven Architecture Consistency

Consistency is crucial when working with event-driven architecture to ensure that relevant events are published when making state changes. This is because events are first-class and driving workflows ...


Mapping Event Type by Convention

Events are a vital part of Event-Driven Architecture, representing business facts that happened in our system. To integrate business workflow steps, we need to define the mapping between the code type...


Event Driven Architectures vs Workflows (with AWS Services!)

Event Driven Architectures vs Workflows (with AWS Services!)

The video explains two ways to coordinate process flows in distributed applications: an event-driven architecture and a workflow. The example of an e-commerce order process is used to demonstrate the ...


Orchestrating Data/ML Workflows at Scale With Netflix Maestro

At Netflix, data and machine learning (ML) pipelines are central to the business, representing diverse use cases that go beyond recommendations, predictions, and data transformations. In this blog pos...