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Three Python Trends in 2023

The Python ecosystem is evolving rapidly and there are three trends to watch out for in 2023. Firstly, the Python + Rust combination is gaining momentum, thanks to PyO3 which offers Rust bindings for Python. Rust is making it possible to boost CPU-bound work with C extensions, and there are already tools like pydantic-core, ruff, polars, and Robyn to support the cause. Secondly, the rise of machine learning and data applications is driving the development of web UIs with plain Python frameworks, such as Streamlit and Pynecone. Python in the browser is also feasible via WASM (WebAssembly), which is compatible with all the major browsers. Finally, there is a constant evolution of typing support in CPython, and well-specified, type-annotated signatures are becoming the norm. Typing has practical benefits in professional life and improves code readability tremendously. Expect more innovation in these spaces in the coming years.