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Type Unions for C# Proposal

A proposal for type unions (aka discriminated unions) in C#. This proposal aims to introduce type unions to C# programming language, providing developers with a powerful tool for handling complex data structures. Type unions allow for defining a type that can hold values of different types, similar to discriminated unions in functional programming languages. This can simplify code and make it easier to work with variant data structures. The motivation behind this proposal is to enhance the expressiveness and flexibility of C# language, enabling developers to write more concise and readable code. Currently, the implementation of type unions in C# is not started, and further work is needed to define the specification and prototype. Type unions have the potential to improve the development experience in C# by providing a more robust and expressive way to model data. This proposal is an exciting addition to the future of C# language, opening up new possibilities for developers to create elegant and efficient code. Stay tuned for further updates on the progress of implementing type unions in C#.