Calling Azure Open AI with RestSharp
Learn how to call Azure Open AI using its REST endpoint. This post shows how to use RestSharp, with a request class to tailor requests and a response class to handle API responses. Tokens are used to ...
Markwhen is a single-player puzzle game created by Lars Bergqvist. Its a game that challenges you to think outside the box and use your problem-solving skills to progress through increasingly difficul...
Using ChatGPT to Control Hue Lights
In this Medium article, Richardhayes shares his experience of using ChatGPT and GPT-3 to control his Hue Lights with simple instructions such as make the lights blue or make one light pink and one lik...
In Search of the Perfect TypeScript ORM!
An ORM provides a simpler way to interact with databases in an app, but what is the ideal ORM for TypeScript and NodeJS? This article explores the top features a perfect TypeScript ORM should have, in...
Modularizing React Applications with Established UI Patterns
Established UI patterns can solve complex UI design problems effectively, yet they are underutilized in frontend development. This article explores the benefits of applying UI building patterns in the...
What Is ChatGPT Doing ... and Why Does It Work? - Stephen Wolfram Writings
ChatGPT is a language model that can generate meaningful text with human-like style. The model uses a ranking system for probable word choices based on billions of webpages and digitized books, rather...
.NET and AWS S3 with LocalStack: How to develop with local S3 buckets
LocalStack is an open-source framework that allows us to emulate the major AWS services locally, making it easier to develop and test cloud applications without incurring the cost and complexity of de...
New Breakthrough Brings Quantum Computers a Huge Step Closer
Scientists at the University of Sussex have made a breakthrough in quantum computing, developing a technique that allows qubits to travel directly between two quantum computer microchips at faster and...
ChatGPT and Software Architecture
In this article, David R Oliver explores the many uses of ChatGPT from OpenAI in software architecture, beyond just drawing lines and boxes. This AI technology has numerous applications, and the autho...
Trees in Python Explained!
Trees in computer science are an important data structure and in todays article we are going to explain what they are. We will discuss why we need trees and why we cant just use lists, stacks or queue...
Cleipnirs Resilient Functions
Resilient Functions is a .NET framework that manages function execution despite failures, restarts, deployments, and versioning. The framework automatically retries function invocations across process...
How Actor Model/Actors Run In Clusters Facilitating Asynchronous Communication In Distributed Systems
This blog post continues the previous post on understanding the actor model to build non-blocking, high-throughput distributed systems. It explains how Akka runs actors in clusters in a non-blocking w...
How to Build Your Own Lenny Chatbot Using GPT-3
Learn how to build an AI-powered chatbot like the Lenny Chatbot, which uses GPT-3 and can answer questions about product, growth, and startups. Follow this step-by-step guide to understand AI and GPT-...
Idempotent operations: Ensuring the Same State on Both Sides of Network Communication
Maintaining the same state on both sides of network communication can be challenging due to lost messages, answers, and backend exceptions. Retrying client requests may cause adverse consequences or e...
A Detailed Guide on TypeScript Pick Type
In this series on Object Type Transformations in TypeScript, we will closely examine various utilities that TypeScript provides to facilitate object type transformations, such as Pick<>, Omit<...
Benefits of using DDD (DDD series part 2)
Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is a software development approach that focuses on understanding the business domain to drive the design of software systems. Among its numerous benefits are improved commun...
Bounded Context (DDD series part 5): Understanding the Importance of Bounded Context in Software Design
Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is a powerful approach to software development that focuses on understanding the business domain and using that understanding to drive the design of software systems. One of...
C# Language Mind Map
This blog post contains a mind map of language features starting from C# 1 up til now - including some of the new C# 12 features that will be released in November 2023. The mind map is clickable and c...
Domain Model (DDD series part 4): Understanding the Importance of Domain-Driven Design in Software Development
Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is an approach to software development that focuses on understanding the business domain to drive the design of software systems. One of the key building blocks of DDD is th...
Entity (DDD series part 7)
In Domain-Driven Design (DDD), the concept of an Entity is used to represent the key concepts of the business domain. An Entity is an object that has a unique identity and an associated set of attribu...