Build a Real-time Data Analytics Pipeline with Airbyte, Kafka, and Pinot
Learn how to use Airbyte, Kafka, and Pinot to build a real-time data pipeline for a user-facing analytics dashboard. This article explores three popular open-source products in the data space, Airbyte...
Difference between API Observability and API Monitoring
API monitoring and observability are ways of monitoring application program interfaces (APIs) to gain insight into their availability, performance, and proper functionality. The article discusses the ...
Getting the most out of TypeScript - Union Types
TypeScript provides the ability to add Types and union types can be a better way of doing things, as demonstrated by authentication details. This article explains how TypeScript differs from tradition...
Sending Reliable Event Notifications with Transactional Outbox Pattern
In this article, Dunith Dhanushka explains how the Transactional Outbox pattern can help solve the problem of dual writes in distributed systems. The article discusses the drawbacks of synchronous and...
TypeScript: Interfaces or Types. What’s the Difference?
In TypeScript, both interfaces and types can be used to define types, but they have different purposes. Interfaces are used to define the structure of object types, while type aliases provide a name f...
Aada Finance to Embrace Full Visibility and Transparency
Aada Finance, a peer-to-peer lending protocol on the Cardano blockchain, is going open source to ensure complete visibility and transparency of its smart contract code. Aada Finance plans to deploy it...
Azure-PlantUML: Creating Visually Appealing and Memorable Diagrams for Azure Systems
Azure-PlantUML is a toolset for creating PlantUML diagrams with Azure components. It includes symbols, macros and stereotypes for all Azure services using official Microsoft Azure architecture icons. ...
C4-PlantUML: A Collection of PlantUML Diagrams for C4 Architecture Model
C4-PlantUML is an open-source project that provides a collection of PlantUML diagrams for the C4 architecture model, which is a simple and intuitive way to describe software architecture. These diagra...
Disruptor-net: A High Performance Inter-Thread Message Passing Framework for .NET
Disruptor-net is a .NET port of LMAX Disruptor, a high performance inter-thread message passing framework. It can be succinctly defined as a circular queue with a configurable sequence of consumers, a...
Software Architecture Diagramming and Patterns
Learn how software architecture diagrams can help you plan for and implement changes in your network, visualize strategic initiatives, and stay ahead of your organization’s needs. We’ll cover the basi...
The C4 model for visualising software architecture
The C4 model is a set of hierarchical abstractions and diagrams - system context, containers, components, and code, which are notation independent. It is an easy to learn, developer-friendly approach ...
Python for Data Analysis, 3E
Python for Data Analysis, 3E by Wes McKinney is available as an open access HTML version on his website. The book has been updated for pandas1.4.0 and Python 3.10, and changes between the 2nd and 3rd ...
Python Stacks, Queues, and Priority Queues in Practice
In this guide, Bartosz Zaczyński explores Python stacks, queues, and priority queues in depth, providing examples of implementation and use cases. From representing FIFO and LIFO queues with a deque, ...
Configure an interpreter using Docker
PyCharm integration with Docker allows you to run your applications in the variously configured development environments deployed in Docker containers. This tutorial guides you on how to set up and co...
Awesome Python - A Comprehensive List of Python Resources for Developers
Life is short, you need Python. This repository contains a curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources. With over 80 categories ranging from Admin Panels to Web Framew...
Databricks Opens Up Its Delta Lakehouse at Data + AI Summit
Databricks has open sourced most of the technology behind its Delta Lake, including APIs, with the launch of Delta Lake 2.0. The move towards open standards has been welcomed, as previously vendors ha...
Zip() Function In Python - Usage & Examples
This tutorial explains the usage and working of the zip() function in Python. The zip() function helps us perform a parallel iteration over multiple iterables by taking iterables and iterating over th...
Python Decorator Magic: Static Factory Methods And Private Constructors
In this article, Philip Klaus presents an alternative approach to creating static factory methods in Python by simulating the privacy behavior of constructors during runtime. He also shares a more det...
Dotnet Microservices
Building a dotnet 5 microservices (service-oriented architecture) with implementations on microservices with .net tools on real-world e-commerce microservices project including Catalog, Basket, Discou...
Harness your GRPC connection with deadlines and cancellation options
GPRC connections provide a fast, high throughput and performative way for microservices APIs to communicate. In this article, Yazan Ati discusses the importance of managing the connection properly usi...