Architecture Pattern: Orchestration Via Workflow - Building Layered Technology and Business Stacks
This article by Kislay Verma, published in The Startup, discusses the problem of modeling business processes that involve multiple steps across multiple systems. Verma proposes using an architecture p...
Building a reporting service in Microservice architecture
Learn how to generate reports from a distributed database in a microservices architecture using REST APIs instead of directly connecting to a database. This article explores the challenges of implemen...
Event-based Microservices: Error Handling
When working with a distributed microservice-based system, errors are bound to happen. These errors range from connectivity issues, serialization and deserialization problems, downstream system outage...
The 6 Things You Need to Know About Event-Driven Architectures
This article explores how event-driven architectures can deal with complexity, provide agility, and offer massive scaling potential. It covers the difference between events, commands, and queries, the...
A Microservices Implementation Journey - Part 1
This article covers key considerations around architecture, implementation, and deployment for microservices. From common patterns for microservices architecture to simple implementations using .Net, ...
A Microservices Implementation Journey - Part 2
In this article, Aram Koukia explains how to implement a set of simple Microservices considering the architecture recommended in the previous post. He uses C# and Asp.Net Web API, along with Redis, Ra...
A Microservices Implementation Journey - Part 4: Implementing Azure API Management as API Gateway
In this fourth installment of the Microservices Implementation Journey, Aram Koukia discusses the importance of using an API Gateway in a Microservices Architecture, and how Azure API Management can s...
A Microservices implementation journey — Part 1
In this article, Aram Koukia discusses his thoughts on Microservices, what they are, and how they work. He talks about his journey in implementing Microservices and shares his insights on the benefits...
A Microservices Implementation Journey — Part 3
In this article by Aram Koukia, the third part of a microservices implementation journey is explored. The focus is on event sourcing, and the tools available for it. The article discusses the trade-of...
Introducing Domain-Oriented Microservice Architecture: Reducing complexity while maintaining flexibility
This blog post introduces Ubers approach to microservice architectures, called Domain-Oriented Microservice Architecture (DOMA), which aims to reduce overall system complexity while maintaining the fl...
Modern-Day Architecture Design Patterns for Software Professionals
Many modern-day applications need to meet scalability, availability, security, reliability, and resiliency demands at an enterprise or internet scale. This article by Tanmay Deshpande explores Circuit...
Software Architecture: The Most Important Architectural Patterns You Need to Know
In this article, Anh T. Dang explains the most important architectural patterns every software developer should know about. He describes how a pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occ...
Decision Management in Software Engineering
This article explores the importance of proper decision management in software engineering. Despite the fact that we make countless decisions every day, many companies lack a formal process for docume...
How Redis Simplifies Microservices Design Patterns - The New Stack
How Redis helps in designing microservices with simplicity and efficiency. The article talks about various microservices design patterns and their challenges, followed by how Redis can be used to addr...
The Microservices Workflow Automation Cheat Sheet
If youre interested in implementing workflow automation in a microservice architecture, this guide by Bernd Rücker provides guidance on the core architecture decisions you will have to make. Topics su...
Microservices Design - API Gateway Pattern
Microservices are a popular architecture style for building scalable and highly available applications. One of the key challenges with microservices is managing the complexity that arises when you hav...
The Relationship Between Software Architecture And Business Models: Implications and Insights
In this article, Nick Tune explores the relationship between software architecture and business models. He argues that understanding the business model is a vital skill for architects as every signifi...
Frontend Architectural Patterns: Backends-For-Frontends
The backends-for-frontends architectural pattern is a model where every client application has its own server-side component which serves as a backend for that particular frontend. This is particularl...
Self-documenting Architecture: Reducing the Learning Curve and Improving System Design
In software development, understanding how a system works is one of the biggest time costs. As systems become more complex, our ability to understand them doesnt seem to be growing at the same rate. S...
Principles for Microservice Design: Think IDEALS, Rather than SOLID
Learn how the IDEALS (interface segregation, deployability (is on you), event-driven, availability over consistency, loose-coupling, and single responsibility) principles can guide microservice design...