A TC39 Proposal for Signals. A v0 draft of the signals proposal...
In August of last year, a v0 draft of a proposal for signals in TC39 was publicly released, along with a spec-compliant polyfill. Signals enable one-way data flow by modeling cells of state and comput...
Event Loop: Microtasks and Macrotasks
Browser JavaScript execution flow, as well as in Node.js, is based on an event loop. Understanding how event loop works is important for optimizations, and sometimes for the right architecture. The ev...
Intro to Hyperscript: Rethinking JavaScript
Hyperscript is a newer language for handling common scripting needs on the JavaScript front end. It can work standalone or in tandem with HTMX. Hyperscript takes the benefits of HyperCard, like simpli...
JavaScript State Machines and Statecharts
JavaScript and TypeScript finite state machine library and statecharts for modern web development. Adheres to the SCXML specification, with Graph traversal utilities, and React hooks and utilities. Co...
8 reasons startups prefer Node.js over .NET, and are they justified?
Node.js has taken over as the preferred platform for many startups, and in this article, the author explores the reasons behind this trend. The article covers eight reasons why startups choose Node.js...