Awesome Software Architecture
This is a comprehensive guide to software architecture, covering a wide range of topics including Actor Model Architecture, Akka .NET, Orleans, Protoactor, Clean Architecture, Onion Architecture, Hexa...
Turning Microservices Inside-Out: Unbundling Databases and Utilizing Event Logs with Debezium
This article discusses the benefits and practicality of replacing relational databases with event logs for microservices architectures. Rather than replacing databases, the article suggests complement...
Turning Microservices Inside-Out
Learn from software leaders at early adopter companies on how they are adopting emerging trends at QCon New York (June 13-15, 2023). Explore topics such as architecture, design, AI/ML, data engineerin...
Miniservices as a Realistic Alternative to Microservices
This article discusses the concept of miniservices as a more manageable alternative to microservices, especially in the context of cloud native ecosystems, containers, edge computing, and serverless a...
Architecture Pattern: Orchestration Via Workflow - Building Layered Technology and Business Stacks
This article by Kislay Verma, published in The Startup, discusses the problem of modeling business processes that involve multiple steps across multiple systems. Verma proposes using an architecture p...
Building a reporting service in Microservice architecture
Learn how to generate reports from a distributed database in a microservices architecture using REST APIs instead of directly connecting to a database. This article explores the challenges of implemen...
A Microservices Implementation Journey - Part 1
This article covers key considerations around architecture, implementation, and deployment for microservices. From common patterns for microservices architecture to simple implementations using .Net, ...
A Microservices Implementation Journey - Part 2
In this article, Aram Koukia explains how to implement a set of simple Microservices considering the architecture recommended in the previous post. He uses C# and Asp.Net Web API, along with Redis, Ra...
A Microservices Implementation Journey - Part 4: Implementing Azure API Management as API Gateway
In this fourth installment of the Microservices Implementation Journey, Aram Koukia discusses the importance of using an API Gateway in a Microservices Architecture, and how Azure API Management can s...
A Microservices implementation journey — Part 1
In this article, Aram Koukia discusses his thoughts on Microservices, what they are, and how they work. He talks about his journey in implementing Microservices and shares his insights on the benefits...
A Microservices Implementation Journey — Part 3
In this article by Aram Koukia, the third part of a microservices implementation journey is explored. The focus is on event sourcing, and the tools available for it. The article discusses the trade-of...
Introducing Domain-Oriented Microservice Architecture: Reducing complexity while maintaining flexibility
This blog post introduces Ubers approach to microservice architectures, called Domain-Oriented Microservice Architecture (DOMA), which aims to reduce overall system complexity while maintaining the fl...
The Microservices Workflow Automation Cheat Sheet
If youre interested in implementing workflow automation in a microservice architecture, this guide by Bernd Rücker provides guidance on the core architecture decisions you will have to make. Topics su...
Principles for Microservice Design: Think IDEALS, Rather than SOLID
Learn how the IDEALS (interface segregation, deployability (is on you), event-driven, availability over consistency, loose-coupling, and single responsibility) principles can guide microservice design...
Life after Microservices: A Tactical Prediction for ITs Future
This slide deck offers insights on the future development of microservices from multiple angles, taking stock of ITs past and present, and exploring the trends that will shape its future. The author l...
Timeless design in a cloud-native world
This slide deck covers the topic of functional service design in distributed systems, including cloud-native systems. It emphasizes the importance of spreading business functionality across a service ...
Microsoft introduces Open Service Mesh for Kubernetes, plans quick donation to CNCF
Microsoft has introduced a new open source project, Open Service Mesh (OSM), to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). OSM is a lightweight and extensible service mesh that runs on Kubernetes a...
Effective Microservices: 10 Best Practices
In this article, Md Kamaruzzaman shares 10 tips to implement Microservice Architecture the right way. The Definitive Guide to Effective Microservices covers the best practices for designing, deploying...
Microservice Architecture and Design Patterns for Microservices
Learn how microservices can positively impact your enterprise and how to handle Microservice Architecture (MSA) and some Design Patterns for Microservices. Discover the four goals to consider in Micro...
Why Your Microservices Architecture Needs Aggregates
Microservices architecture requires organizing our stuff into discreet, well-defined units. Aggregates help in this by allowing us to group together related business entities into cohesive units. With...