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Microservice Integration Testing a Pain? Try Shadow Testing - The New Stack

Join The New Stack community of software engineering leaders and developers to stay informed with important news and exclusive content. Re-subscribe to receive updates and resources tailored to your i...


Meta Introduces LLM-Powered Tool for Software Testing

Meta has unveiled the Automated Compliance Hardening (ACH) tool, a mutation-guided, LLM-based test generation system. ACH represents a shift from traditional automated test generation methods by targe...


The Staging Bottleneck: Microservices Testing in FinTech - The New Stack

Join our community of software engineering leaders and aspirational developers. Always stay in-the-know by getting the most important news and exclusive content delivered fresh to your inbox to learn ...


chispa - Fast PySpark Test Helper Methods with Descriptive Error Messages

chispa provides fast PySpark test helper methods that output descriptive error messages. This library makes it easy to write high quality PySpark code. Fun fact: chispa means Spark in Spanish ;) Insta...


Testing Event-Driven Architectures with OpenTelemetry - The New Stack

Where are you using WebAssembly? Wasm promises to let developers build once and run anywhere. Are you using it yet? At work, for production apps. At work, but not for production apps. I don’t use WebA...


Test Driven Development with C# - from Padawan to Jedi - Scott Sauber - NDC Porto 2023

Test Driven Development with C# - from Padawan to Jedi - Scott Sauber - NDC Porto 2023

In this talk, Scott discusses test-driven development (TDD) with C, focusing on guiding net developers who may be new to TDD. He clarifies that although the talk assumes the audience hasnt seen TDD be...


Event-driven Kubernetes testing with Testkube and Tracetest

Configuring CI pipelines for running trace-based tests in Kubernetes is tedious work. Especially if you need to trigger tests based on Kubernetes events. Look no further! Once you’re done reading, you...


Rich Domain Model with DDD/TDD (Reviewed)

Through my journey of building Domain Models I had good and bad experiences that today I share with you to save a few hours of your development time. These are opinionated approaches that I follow whe...


Announcing turmoil | Tokio - An asynchronous Rust runtime

Today, we are happy to announce the initial release of turmoil, a framework for developing and testing distributed systems. Testing distributed systems is hard. Non-determinism is everywhere (network,...


A cheat sheet to migrate from Moq to NSubstitute

Tim Deschryver wrote a blog post titled A cheat sheet to migrate from Moq to NSubstitute on August 14, 2023. The article provides a comprehensive guide on migrating from Moq to NSubstitute. It covers ...


Build Integration and End-to-End Tests with OpenTelemetry and Trace-Based Testing

Tracetest allows you to build integration and end-to-end tests in minutes using OpenTelemetry and trace-based testing. With Tracetest, you can test against real data, assert against response and trace...


Testcontainers for .NET

Testcontainers for .NET is a library that supports tests with throwaway instances of Docker containers for all compatible .NET Standard versions. Choose from pre-configured modules or create your own ...


How to Setup Integration Tests in .NET Without a WebApplicationFactory

In this article, Paul DeVito discusses how to set up integration tests in .NET without using a WebApplicationFactory. He introduces a new test type called Functional tests that focuses on testing the ...


Integration Tests for your Kafka Producer with “Testcontainers” in C#

In this article, Vasil Kosturski presents an approach to building integration tests for your Kafka producer to verify that messages are produced correctly using Docker containers. The testing pattern ...


Make Your React Tests Easier to Write, Understand and Maintain

React components can be complex and difficult to test, especially when they have a lot elements and interactions. To simplify testing, it’s best to separate the test code from the code that is used to...


Getting Started With Property-Based Testing in Python With Hypothesis and Pytest - Semaphore

This tutorial is about property-based testing, a testing philosophy where tests check that results satisfy certain properties. We will be using Python, pytest, and Hypothesis. By going through this tu...


How to run disposable databases for your tests. Improve your integration tests accuracy with Testcontainers

Integration tests are essential to ensure that the different components of our system work together as expected and continue to work after changes. In this post, I’ll explain how to spin up disposable...


# NetArchTest - A Fluent API for .Net Standard to Enforce Architectural Rules in Unit Tests

NetArchTest is a .Net Standard 2.0 library that provides a fluent API to enforce architectural rules in unit tests. You can create tests that enforce conventions for class design, naming and dependenc...


RestAssured.Net - C# .NET version of the original REST Assured for writing tests for your HTTP APIs with ease

# RestAssured.Net ![github-actions-ci]( ![Nuget]( ![Nuget](...


Testing with Local Functions in .NET/C# using your favorite Unit Testing Framework

LoFuUnit is a set of packages that make it convenient for developers to use Local Functions to structure tests with patterns like: `Arrange` / `Act` / `Assert`, `Given` / `When` / `Then`, and `Context...