Real-Time Query Across Multiple Microservices Using Kafka
In a microservices architecture, services work independently with their own databases and communicate using messaging. However, querying data across multiple services can be a challenge. One solution ...
Decomposition of Microservices Architecture
Learn how to decompose microservices with different patterns and practices for designing e-commerce microservices applications. The article covers identifying and decomposing microservices for the e-c...
Explaining Clean Architecture In .Net Core
Clean Architecture is about building simple and maintainable software with flexible and coherent structure. It is a domain-centric architecture that focuses on behaviors and boundaries. The architectu...
Commit Message Best Practices: How to Avoid Ruining Your Team Project
In this article, you will learn the best practices for writing commit messages, which can help improve team communication, reduce errors, and avoid project disasters. The author discusses the importan...
Diagrams - Draw cloud system architecture in Python code
Diagrams is a Diagram as Code tool that allows you to draw cloud system architecture in Python code. You can use it to prototype a new system architecture design without any design tools, or to descri...
Kubernetes-PlantUML is a set of PlantUML sprites, macros, and stereotypes for creating diagrams with Kubernetes components. The repository is based on the official Kubernetes Icons Set, which can be f...
Database Sharding Pattern for Scaling Microservices Database Architecture
This article discusses the design patterns of microservices architecture, specifically the importance of using the database sharding pattern for scaling. Mehmet Ozkayas new course, Design Microservice...
Design your Cloud Microservices Apps the DDD way (Hexagonal Architecture)
This write-up discusses the use of domain-driven design & SOLID principles in designing the structure of Microservices, with a focus on clean architecture practices for cloud-native applications. The ...
Dynamic Island - CodeSandbox
Dynamic Island is an interactive tool built by CodeSandbox that allows users to create and manipulate 3D models using code. Through the use of a simple API, developers can create complex shapes and an...
Azure Container Apps Async Communication with Dapr Pub/Sub API - Part 6
In this post, we will introduce the Publisher-Subscriber (Pub/Sub) pattern to decouple the communication between services in Azure Container Apps, using Dapr Pub/Sub API. We will create a new backgrou...
Azure Container Apps Monitoring and Observability with Application Insights
When building a microservices application that consists of many distributed services that communicate with each other across different processes and use different infrastructure services, having a mec...
Azure Container Apps State Store With Dapr State Management API - Part 5
This tutorial is part 5 of Building Microservice Applications with Azure Container Apps and Dapr. In this post, we will use Dapr State Management API to switch from in-memory store to a key/value pers...
Azure Container Apps with Dapr Bindings Building Block - Part 7
This post is the seventh part of Building Microservice Applications with Azure Container Apps and Dapr. It covers how to extend the backend background processor service using Dapr Input and Output Bin...
Communication Between Microservices in Azure Container Apps - Part 3
In Part 3 of Building Microservice Applications with Azure Container Apps and Dapr, we cover communication between microservices in Azure Container Apps. We add a new microservice named “ACA WebApp-Fr...
create-t3-app - Simplify complex boilerplate around the core T3 Stack tech
create-t3-app is an interactive CLI to quickly set up an opinionated, full-stack, typesafe Next.js project using the T3 Stack made by Theo. The T3 Stack includes Next.js, tRPC, Tailwind CSS, TypeScrip...
Dapr Integration with Azure Container Apps - Part 4
This article talks about integrating Dapr into Azure Container Apps for simplified microservices scenarios such as service discovery, service-to-service invocation, calling services asynchronously via...
Deploy Microservice Application to Azure Container Apps - Part 2
In this post, we will learn how to deploy a backend API microservice to Azure Container Apps using Azure CLI and Azure Portal. We will start by creating a solution skeleton and adding our first micros...
Tutorial for building Microservice Applications with Azure Container Apps and Dapr - Part 1
Learn how to build microservices applications with Azure Container Apps and Dapr in this detailed tutorial. Discover the distinctive features of Azure Container Apps, such as built-in compatibility wi...
.NET 7 comes to Azure Functions & Visual Studio 2022
Azure Functions v4 now supports .NET 7 as runtime, allowing developers to build serverless functions in Azure with the latest innovation from .NET runtime. The .NET Isolated Worker model provides an i...
Hydrogen: Shopify’s opinionated framework for building headless e-commerce
Hydrogen is Shopifys React-based headless commerce stack for fast-tracking your storefront build. With advancements like optimistic UI, nested routes, and progressive enhancement, Hydrogen features pr...