Godot 4 Polygon Collision 3D Tutorial

This tutorial explains how to use polygon collision in the Good 04 3D software. It is similar to 2D polyline collision, but with some changes. The tutorial starts by adding a static body and a mesh in...
How To Automatically Add Colliders To Meshes In Godot!

In this video, the narrator demonstrates how to automatically add colliders to different assets using Godot game engine. They are using Kenny assets, which are freely available and can be used in both...
The 4 Essential Building Blocks of Every Godot Game

In Godot, a game engine, games are built using abstractions called nodes, which are organized into scenes and can communicate using signals. This video provides an overview of four essential concepts ...
Using Godot + C# + Visual Studio Code

In this video, Mike from Game from Scratch demonstrates how to set up Visual Studio Code with the Godot game engine for C# development. He explains that you need to download Visual Studio Code and the...
Evolution and Systems Architecture | by Ivan Padabed | system5.dev | Sep, 2023 | Medium
The “Evolutionary Architecture” phrase has already been coined by Neal Ford, Rebecca Parsons, and Patrick Kua in their excellent book “Building Evolutionary Architectures,” but I would like to add a n...
Awesome Godot
A curated list of free/libre games, plugins, add-ons, and scripts for Godot. This list includes various categories such as 2D games, 3D games, projects, templates, demos, tutorials, plugins and script...
Godello (aka GodoTrello)
Trello inspired kanban board made with the Godot Engine and GDScript, powered by an online real-time collaborative backend made with Elixir and Phoenix Channels. It also features a local backend data ...
Godot 2D action adventure platformer demo
Godot 2D action adventure platformer demo will be a complete tiny demo that should contains a lot of useful stuffs for people that want to learn Godot Engine and creating their own platformer.
Godot Jolt - A Native Extension for Godot
# Godot Jolt is a native extension for the Godot game engine that allows you to use the Jolt physics engine to power Godots 3D physics. It functions as a drop-in replacement for Godot Physics and prov...
godot-rust: Rust bindings for the Godot game engine
The godot-rust project provides bindings for the Godot game engine to the Rust language. Rust is an alternative to GDScript, with different trade-offs for users. While GDScript enables fast prototypin...
Godot Tools
A complete set of tools to code games with Godot Engine in Visual Studio Code. This plugin requires manual configuration to work with Godot 4. Versions 1.0.0 and later of this extension only support G...
Is Making Advanced GUI Applications with Godot the Future?
I have been trying out the Godot Game Engine lately, and I have been mightily impressed with what I see. While it was designed to make games, it has an exceptionally sophisticated system for making gr...
Obsidian Typing
Obsidian Typing is the most comprehensive tool to customize groups of notes in Obsidian. It allows you to quickly categorize notes with specific folders, icons, and field structures, providing a more ...
Pixelorama - Free and Open Source Pixel Art Editor
Pixelorama is a free and open source pixel art editor, proudly created with the Godot Engine, by Orama Interactive. It offers a variety of tools and features for creating animated pixel art, game grap...
A WhatsApp UI clone made using the Godot Game Engine for educational purposes only. The motivation for this project was to test the limits of Godots UI system, to make smooth animations, to make a rea...
Walter Isaacson: Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Einstein, Da Vinci & Ben Franklin | Lex Fridman Podcast #395

In this text, the author discusses the role of difficult childhoods in the lives of successful individuals, focusing on Elon Musk. He highlights the traumatic experiences Musk faced, including growing...
Kenney - Home
Kenney provides thousands of completely free game assets for you to use in your projects. With their tools, you can create 3D models without any knowledge of complex software or frameworks. Subscribe ...
Root Girl
A jump, swing and run plattformer written in Godot Engine (Version 3.5.1). This game was created during the Global Game Jam 2023 in Ansbach hosted by Tradebyte. Teammembers: Doofmars, AplusKminus, The...
Terrain Autotiler: An Algorithm for Accurate and Deterministic Terrain Tile Matching
Terrain Autotiler is a replacement terrain tile matching algorithm for Godot 4 that provides accurate and deterministic results for procedural generation and tile-based games. It is fully compatible w...
Introducing Project IDX, An Experiment to Improve Full-stack, Multiplatform App Development
Project IDX is a browser-based development experience designed to make it easier to build, manage and deploy full-stack web and multiplatform applications, with popular frameworks and languages. It al...