Tetris Clone with Godot Engine
A simple tetris clone made with Godot Engine. There are potential bugs and some features to implement. Features include Tetris and Pentris game modes, ghost piece, wall kicks, garbage-filled rows, abi...
Current State of C# Platform Support in Godot 4.2
With the recent release of Godot 4.2, projects that use C# can now export to Android and iOS. Let’s take a look at the current platform support for C# projects and what to expect from future releases ...
Announcing a collaboration with Google and The Forge
We are excited to announce that we have partnered with Google and The Forge to bring some helpful performance optimizations to our Vulkan mobile backend. This will primarily benefit users targeting Vu...
Godot 4.2 arrives in style!
Earlier this year we stepped into the future of Godot with the release of Godot 4.0, and 4 months later we followed it up with Godot 4.1 which was full of new features and improvements. Today we are p...
50 Game Changing (Ha!) Godot 4.x tips in under 10 minutes!

This text provides 50 tips for using a script editor efficiently. It suggests using shortcuts for various commands, such as holding control and dragging a node into a script to automatically create a ...
Every Godot User Needs To Check Out These Amazing Projects !

Kenny is praised as one of the top free asset suppliers in the market, and many tutorials on the speakers channel have utilized his assets. Kenny recently launched three open-source starter kits for G...
Finite State Machines in Godot 4 in Under 10 Minutes

In this text, the author discusses the use of a Finite State Machine (FSM) to program the behavior of an enemy character in a game. The FSM consists of multiple states, each with its own set of condit...
Godot 4 Tutorial - Heart Platformer

In this tutorial video, Ben shows viewers how to build a simple platformer using the Godot 4 platform. He demonstrates how to create a new project, set up game settings for a pixel art game, and creat...
Dev snapshot: Godot 4.2 dev 6
This is the final dev snapshot for 4.2, signaling the end of the feature development cycle, and the start of the beta phase. We spent the past couple of weeks wrapping up many of the big feature PRs w...
# Boids In Godot
This is a godot implementation of Craig Reynolds Boids. A more detailed breakdown of Boids with pseudocode can be found here. Click F5 to run the default screen. Then click anywhere on the screen to i...
# SwiftGodot provides Swift language bindings for the Godot 4.1 game engine using the new GDExtension system.
SwiftGodot provides Swift language bindings for the Godot 4.1 game engine using the new GDExtension system. SwiftGodot can be used to either build an extension that can be added to an existing Godot p...
Boids Flocking Godot
# BoidsFlockingGodot Simple boids flocking implementation in Godot Engine. YouTube demo: [](https://youtu.be/IMv7iNt1baE) ## P.S. I made a game D...
Boids in Godot with Acceleration Structure
This is my second attempt at boids in godot. Ive implemented an acceleration structure which is a spatial partitioning scheme which optimizes the nearest neighbor lookups. All boid locations are store...
# boids is a computer program that simulates the flocking behavior of birds. It was developed by Craig Reynolds in 1986 as an example of emergent behavior and artificial life. The name boids correspon...
Starter Kit City Builder
This package includes a basic template for a 3D city builder in Godot 4.1.1.stable.official. Includes features like; building and removing structures, smooth camera controls, dynamic MeshLibrary creat...
The ultimate introduction to Godot 4

This video provides an introduction to the Godot gaming engine, covering various topics such as program setup, key concepts, tile maps, animation players, lights, particle effects, shaders, user inter...
Expose a zero allocation API to Godot C# bindings
Godot C# bindings project is facing a problem or limitation where there is a need to expose a zero allocation API. This issue was opened on Sep 24, 2023, and currently has 51 comments. The labels for ...
JDungeon - A Free-to-Play Open-Source Massively Online Role-Playing Game
JDungeon is a free-to-play, open-source Massively Online Role-Playing Game (MORPG) set in a medieval fantasy world. With its top-down 2D perspective, it offers an immersive gaming experience. JDungeon...
Ant game
# Ant game Explore the ant world. Made with Godot. # Roadmap - [ ] create pheromone trail - [ ] add basic environment - background image - minor obstacle(s) - [ ] add hunger and food source - [ ] ...
Cyclops Level Builder
Cyclops Level Builder lets you quickly build environments in the Godot viewport. Click and drag to create and edit blocks. Use the material editor to assign materials. All blocks have collision, so yo...