Nodot - A node composition library for Godot 4
Nodot is a video game oriented collection of nodes, autoload scripts and scenes for Godot 4. The goal is to provide a set of tools that can be used to rapidly create a wide variety of games. Setup ins...
Quake *.map* file support for Godot 4.x
 Quake *.map* file support for Godot 4.x. For the original Godot 3.x plugin, see [Qodot-Plugin](https://gi...
TrenchBroom Loader for Godot 4 (Alternative to Qodot)
GitHub - codecat/godot-tbloader: TrenchBroom Loader for Godot 4. (Alternative to Qodot) Skip to content Toggle navigation Sign up Product Actions Automate any workflow Packages Host and manage package...
# pendulum-waves
Godot project to create cool pendulum waves. A pendulum wave is a mesmerizing display of pendulums of varying lengths swinging in a synchronized pattern. This Godot project aims to replicate this capt...
Understanding Godots Binding System
This article explains how the Godot binding system works and provides insight into the Godot architecture. It clarifies misconceptions about Godots C# support, API design, and production readiness. Th...
Why isnt Godot an ECS-based game engine?
The article explains the design decisions behind Godots choice to not utilize ECS (Entity Component System) and sheds light on how Godot works. It compares Godots architecture, which heavily relies on...
# Godot 2D Platformer Starter Kit
Complete 2D platformer template made in Godot 4 with three levels, music, sfx, and a main menu. Ready for you to take and make an awesome game with. Template Code: Brett Chalupa (CC0, dedicated to pub...
Godot is not the new Unity - The anatomy of a Godot API call
Godot has potential as a game engine, but its binding layer between engine code and gameplay code is structurally built to be slow. Unity, on the other hand, has spent years improving scripting perfor...
Godot 2D action adventure platformer demo
Godot 2D action adventure platformer demo will be a complete tiny demo that should contains a lot of useful stuffs for people that want to learn Godot Engine and creating their own platformer. I hope ...
Initial spawn Moving to the wrong directions Moving to the target Copyright Addons & Assets The files in directory addons dont belong to me. They are provided as CC0 assets in the Godot assets feature...
2D Sprites In 3D Games - Godot Tutorial

This guitar tutorial demonstrates how to place a 2D sprite in a 3D game. The tutorial starts by creating a scene with a basic character that can be controlled. The characters mesh instance is then mod...
Godot 3: 3D Collision Tutorial

The video explains how to create collision shapes in order to prevent objects from passing through each other. The tutorial demonstrates using a farm scene as an example. The process involves adding a...
Godot 3.1: Creating a Simple 3D Game: Part 1 (Intro, Nodes & 3D Physics) #GodotEngine

In this tutorial series, Colin, a YouTuber and computer science teacher, introduces the Godot game engine for creating 3D games. He explains that Godot is a free and open-source program, and has becom...
Godot 4.0: Its Almost a Brand New Engine! Full Breakdown of New Features

Godot 4 is a highly anticipated game engine update with new features. It has become a popular choice for both 2D and 3D game development due to its sleek UI, lightweight nature, and user-friendly scri...
Godot 4 Audio Stream Player Tutorial

In this tutorial, the author explains the difference between an audio stream player and an audio stream player 2D. The audio stream player 2D has a source of sound, which means it can play from a spec...
Godot 4 for Beginners [Part 5]: Player Input and Character Movement
![Godot 4 for Beginners [Part 5]: Player Input and Character Movement](
In this tutorial, Dev named Josh discusses action mappings and player input. He begins by introducing a character on the screen and explaining that nothing happens when interacting with it because the...
Godot 4 Instantiate Tutorial

In this tutorial, the author demonstrates how to instantiate and manipulate objects in a scene using Godot game engine. They begin by explaining the process of creating a separate scene with the objec...
Godot 4 Polygon Collision 3D Tutorial

This tutorial explains how to use polygon collision in the Good 04 3D software. It is similar to 2D polyline collision, but with some changes. The tutorial starts by adding a static body and a mesh in...
How To Automatically Add Colliders To Meshes In Godot!

In this video, the narrator demonstrates how to automatically add colliders to different assets using Godot game engine. They are using Kenny assets, which are freely available and can be used in both...
The 4 Essential Building Blocks of Every Godot Game

In Godot, a game engine, games are built using abstractions called nodes, which are organized into scenes and can communicate using signals. This video provides an overview of four essential concepts ...